
RAIN- LINEN STOLE by Moritaka Yamanishi 

■RAIN-LINEN STOLE by Moritaka Yamanishi
リネンストール -雨- by 山西 盛隆



■山西盛隆 略歴

1973 滋賀県、麻夜具の生産が盛んな町に産まれる。 大学卒業後、サラリーマンに。
2001 伝統工芸士 大西實氏に師事、家業の山西整経(整経業※)を営みながら上布について学び
2009 JFW-JC2009/Japan Fashion Week-Japan Creation2009テキスタイルコンテストにて
2016  経済産業大臣指定伝統的工芸品 近江上布(製織部門)伝統工芸士に認定される


■LINEN STOLE -RAIN by Moritaka Yamanishi
The vertical stripes with warps in each stall are designed by being inspired with rainy weather; KOSAME/light rain, AMENOCHI KUMORI/cloudy after rain, FUTTARI YANDARI/raining on and off and DOSHABURI/heavy rain.

MORITAKA YAMANISHI / Ohmijyofu Traditional Craftsman
Born in the city of Shiga prefecture, where the linen bedding production used to be flourishing.
After having worked as a company employee in other trade, Yamanishi joined his family business and has also devoted himself to cultivate weaving technique from the master traditional craft man, Minoru Onishi . In 2009 he won the grand prize of the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in the textile competition for Japan Fashion Week/the Japan Creation. Yamanishi has officially become one of the Ohmijyofu*Traditional Craftsmen appointed by the Minister since 2016.
* Plain woven fabrics with fine linen threads produced in the eastern area of the lake Biwa.