
tamaki ogata I original art works

tamaki ogata I original art works
緒方環 I イラスト原画展
2016.11.18 FRI. - 12.25 SUN.

スタイリッシュでモードなイラストで定評のある緒方環 / Tamaki Ogataの原画展。静かにたたずむ女性やダンディな男性の姿、香水瓶など、新作を含めてご紹介します。

ART MEETS PEOPLE vol.014 is featuring original ink brush paintings by Tamaki Ogata for this holiday season. She has been known as one of top fashion illustrators for her stylish and mode illustrations. A woman standing quietly, an elegant man in a coat, and beautiful perfume bottles... each art work soothes our inner souls in tranquil style.