
SMP BATH&HOME FRAGRANCE collection at ISETAN SHINJUKU B2=Beauty Apothecary

■SMP original BATH & HOME FRAGRANCE collection
at ISETAN Shinjuku B2 Beauty Apothecary.
2017.10.4 WED.-10.10 TUE.

Autumn season has finally arrived! Enjoy your bath and personal time with our
original relaxing BATH and HOME FRAGRANCE collection.
We are having our promotional corner in Beauty Apothecary at ISETAN SHINJUKU
which is one of the best natural and organic cosmetic and personal care stores.
You will find our Champagne-inspired bath tablet, bath oil and newly lunched
luxurious soap along with our long seller room diffusers which come in five
scents. Please stop by and find your favorite ones for your self and your loved ones.

本日より、期間限定SMPのオリジナルBath&Home Fragrance collectionのコーナーが伊勢丹新宿店本館地下2階=ビューティアポセカリ-のフレグランスコーナーに登場!

今秋デビューのMIDNIGHT RELAXシリーズの新商品、シャンパンの香りのソープもご紹介しています。植物や海洋深層水に海塩、天然石由来の成分等にこだわった極上のソープ。